
14 Useful Ways to Stop Your Neighbors Stealing from You

Lorenz 3/23/2022

Suspect that your neighbor is stealing your mails, newspapers, packages, garden tools and even fruits?

NEVER rush to their doors without any concrete proof!

To successfully stop neighbors stealing from you, you’d better collect essential evidence that proves they are swiping your belongings or even better, catch them in the act before confronting them in person.

Have no ideas about where to start?

The following 14 useful solutions may give you hints.

What to Do If You Suspect Your Neighbor Is Stealing from You: Top 7 Ways to Take

How to tell your neighbor is stealing your mails, newspapers & packages? And what can you do when your neighbors steal from you?

Here are some useful solutions adopted by many homeowners, which are worth a try:

Solution 1. Install Security Cameras to Catch Neighbors Stealing from You in the Act

To prove that neighbors are stealing your newspapers or packages, your security camera footage can be the hard evidence.

With smart motion detection and intelligent alerts, the motion sensor security cameras will notify you at the instant when the suspected neighbors are stealing from you so that you can catch them in the act.

The video footage below is the best example:

A porch pirate got caught on Reolink RLC-410 when she stole packages from a next-door neighbor and the thief was identified soon with the entire snatch uploaded to the social network. Read more at: 14 Useful Ways to Stop Your Neighbors Stealing from You

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Learn more on how you can effectively improve the security in your home by visiting For professional assistance, call (262) 806-0001