Author: Racine Locksmith

When you are in desperate need of someone to change locks in your home or commercial business, you can call on us at Racine Locksmith. We are often called on when there are challenging locksmith issues that need to be addressed immediately. Call on us when you need assist with your residential, commercial or automotive lock needs. We have well- trained and talented locksmith technicians who are happy to assist you in any way possible. Give us the chance to show you why we are superior to those other service providers who make claims that they don't back up with action. Racine Locksmith makes it a point to always deliver the quality of service we have become known for, to everyone who we serve. We provide the following locksmith services at Racine Locksmith: Break-in Repairs, 24 Hour Locksmith Services, Emergency Services, Key Extraction, Lock Installation and much more.

Essential Home Security Tips for Those Living Alone

In an era where independence is prized, many individuals choose to live alone, relishing the freedom and autonomy it affords. However, with this newfound freedom comes the responsibility of ensuring one’s safety and security, especially within the confines of their own home. Living alone presents unique challenges and considerations when it comes to home security.

Whether you’re a seasoned solo dweller or embarking on your first solo living adventure, implementing effective home security measures is paramount for peace of mind and personal safety. This comprehensive guide will explore essential home security tips tailored specifically for those living alone.

Understanding the Risks

Before delving into specific security strategies, it’s crucial to understand the unique risks associated with living alone. Individuals living solo are inherently more vulnerable to certain security threats compared to those residing in multi-person households. Here are some key risks to consider:

Isolation: Living alone can foster a sense of isolation, making it easier for potential intruders to target individuals without fear of interruption or intervention.

Limited Backup: In the event of an emergency, solo dwellers lack the immediate support and assistance that comes from having housemates or family members nearby.

Visibility: Criminals may perceive Solo occupants as easier targets, particularly if they are elderly or perceived as vulnerable.

Fortifying Your Fortress: Essential Home Security Measures

Now that we’ve identified the unique challenges faced by those living alone, let’s explore practical strategies to enhance home security and mitigate risks effectively:

Invest in a Comprehensive Security System: A robust security system is the cornerstone of home protection. Consider installing a combination of security cameras, motion sensors, door and window sensors, and a loud alarm system. Opt for a system with remote monitoring capabilities, allowing you to keep tabs on your home via smartphone or computer, even when you’re away.

Reinforce Entry Points: Strengthening the entry points of your home is crucial for deterring potential intruders. Install deadbolts on all exterior doors and consider upgrading to smart locks for added convenience and security. Reinforce door frames and hinges to withstand forced entry attempts. For windows, install sturdy locks or security bars to prevent unauthorized access.

Illuminate Your Property: Adequate lighting is a powerful deterrent against intruders. Ensure that the exterior of your home is well-lit, especially around entry points and potential hiding spots. Consider installing motion-activated lights to surprise and deter would-be trespassers.

Maintain an Organized Exterior: A cluttered yard or unkempt exterior can provide cover for intruders. Keep bushes trimmed, and ensure that there are no hiding spots near windows or doors. Avoid leaving valuable items such as bicycles or tools unsecured outside, as they may attract unwanted attention.

Establish a Neighborhood Watch: Forge strong ties with your neighbors and consider establishing a neighborhood watch program. Collaborating with fellow residents can create a sense of community and enhance overall security in the area. Inform your neighbors of your living situation and encourage them to report any suspicious activity around your home.

Secure Valuables: Keep valuable items such as jewelry, electronics, and important documents securely locked away. Invest in a fireproof safe to protect sensitive belongings from theft and fire damage. Avoid displaying valuable items in plain view, as this may tempt potential intruders.

Practice Vigilance: Stay vigilant and attentive to your surroundings, both inside and outside your home. Be cautious of strangers and take note of any suspicious individuals or vehicles in your neighborhood. Trust your instincts and report any concerns to local authorities promptly.

Implement Smart Home Technology: Embrace the convenience and security offered by smart home technology. Smart security cameras, doorbell cameras, and motion sensors can provide real-time alerts and remote monitoring capabilities, allowing you to keep a watchful eye on your home from anywhere.

Develop an Emergency Plan: Prepare for unforeseen emergencies by developing a comprehensive emergency plan. Identify emergency exits, designate a meeting point, and ensure that you have essential supplies such as first aid kits, flashlights, and emergency contact information readily available.

Enlist Professional Help: When in doubt, seek guidance from home security professionals. Consult with reputable security companies to assess your home’s vulnerabilities and implement tailored security solutions based on your specific needs and budget.

Living alone offers unparalleled freedom and independence, but it also comes with its own set of security challenges. By implementing the aforementioned home security measures, solo dwellers can create a safe and secure living environment that provides peace of mind and protection against potential threats. Remember, vigilance and proactive planning are key to safeguarding your sanctuary. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and prioritize your safety above all else. With the right precautions in place, and with the assistance of trusted professionals like Racine Locksmith, you can enjoy the benefits of solo living while maintaining peace of mind knowing that your home is secure.

Pros and Cons of Writing an RFP for Security Cameras

Author: Robert Beagle

While it is common for security and facilities managers to issue a “Request-for-Proposal” (RFP) when purchasing a security camera system and/or access control, it isn’t always a good idea due to the limitations it puts on both your security provider and the new equipment which you’re requesting.

At the end of the day, writing an RFP could end up being a huge waste of time – and if you follow through with vendors that accept your RFP, you could be severely limited by your product selections or worse – completely out of luck if your security provider goes out of business or decides not to offer support for the products that have been installed per your RFP.
Pros of the RFP process

When using the RFP procurement process to purchase and install a security system, a project leader will document all of the project’s requirements, necessary materials, timelines, and details, and submit a formal proposal to numerous vendors that he/she wishes to consider. Vendors will respond only if they can fulfill the exact request and won’t include any extraneous information or suggestions. This solution typically only works if you have extensive knowledge of the security products, which brands are best, and in which applications these products are meant to be used. If you’re a project manager with extensive knowledge on what you’re submitting a proposal for, here are a few reasons why you can benefit from the RFP process:

It offers a level playing field. You can submit your RFP to any vendors who meet your qualifications and all vendors will have access to the same information. You’ll likely receive multiple quotes from competing vendors and will have the opportunity to select the most reasonable offer.

It puts focus on specific criteria. Your security project manager can direct the company’s evaluation committee to focus on specific information outlined in the proposal. This ensures that the committee won’t be influenced by extraneous information that the project manager doesn’t find pertinent to the RFP and that vendors will be compared on criteria established by the project manager.

It offers the potential to discover new vendors. If your project manager has cast a wide net – submitting RFPs to multiple qualified vendors– this provides the opportunity to work with a new and potentially better-suited vendor for your project.
Cons of the RFP Process – Proprietary, Descriptive, and Performance

While some organizations use the RFP process in order to find exactly the products they have researched and hand-picked, this amounts to a lot of limitations when it comes to which vendors can help you, how long your new equipment will be supported, and a number of other downsides. If you’re thinking about writing a lengthy RFP for a security project, here are a few reasons why you may be wasting your time.

Many RFPs use the Proprietary Method, which involves the buyer describing exactly what he wants to buy, how he wants it installed, and including manufacturer names and model numbers. This method can be particularly risky because it places complete responsibility for equipment performance on the buyer – who is often less knowledgeable on these products than the vendor. Some disadvantages of the proprietary method include:

You have to do your own research. Security cameras and products are complicated – and many brands use confusing terminology in order to make it sound like their systems perform better than advertised. That means even if you do all of your own research and find a system you have complete confidence in, you may still be purchasing a product that won’t perform as advertised.

Read more at: Pros and Cons of Writing an RFP for Security Cameras

Related Article: How to Reinforce Your Door

Get more tips on security camera installation, visit

Take Your Home Security To A New Level With These Tips

By Eric Murrell

Most people think of home security in terms of keeping burglars out. But there are other, just as important ways to secure your home. The following tips will help you take your home security to a new level.

1) Keep your valuables hidden and locked

If a burglar can see your valuable possessions, he or she is more likely to break in. So keep your valuables out of sight. For example, don’t leave them lying around in plain view or in easy-to-reach places like on top of a dresser or nightstand.

Additionally, make sure your valuables are properly locked up. This is one of the most important things if you want to secure your house and keep your belongings safe. Invest in good-quality safes or lock boxes to store your most precious items. For example, keep jewelry in a safe and computers and other electronics in a locked cabinet or room.

2) Install a home security system

Installing a home security system is one of the best ways to deter burglars. It’s also a great way to give yourself peace of mind. Look for a system that offers features like 24/7 monitoring, remote access, and motion detectors.

In addition, make sure your security system is properly installed and that all entry points to your home (doors, windows, etc.) are properly wired.

3) Keep your doors and windows locked

One of the most basic but important ways to secure your home is to keep your doors and windows locked. This includes both exterior and interior doors as well as windows. Make sure all doors and windows are locked before you leave the house or go to bed at night.

4) Use security lighting

Another way to deter burglars is to use security lighting. This type of lighting, which can be both interior and exterior, makes it more difficult for burglars to enter your home undetected.

For example, you can install motion-activated lights outside your home. These will turn on automatically when someone approaches, making it more difficult for a burglar to sneak up on your property.

5) Don’t advertise your absence

When you’re going on vacation or leaving town for an extended period of time, don’t advertise your absence. This is an invitation for burglars.

For example, don’t leave a note on your door saying you’re gone or put a sign in your yard announcing your vacation. Also, avoid posting about your trip on social media. Wait until you return to share your photos and stories.

6) Get to know your neighbors

One of the best ways to deter burglars is to have a good relationship with your neighbors. If they know you and you know them, they’re more likely to notice suspicious activity around your home.

So take the time to get to know your neighbors. Introduce yourself and exchange contact information so you can stay in touch.

Securing your home is important for protecting your belongings, but it’s also about keeping yourself safe. The tips we’ve provided will help you take your home security to a new level and make it more difficult for burglars to break-in. Implement as many of these tips as possible and stay vigilant by being aware of your surroundings.

Article Source: Take Your Home Security To A New Level With These Tips

Related Article: Why Purchase a Home Safe for Valuables

If you need assistance with deadbolt change or even intercom system installation, visit

14 Useful Ways to Stop Your Neighbors Stealing from You

Lorenz 3/23/2022

Suspect that your neighbor is stealing your mails, newspapers, packages, garden tools and even fruits?

NEVER rush to their doors without any concrete proof!

To successfully stop neighbors stealing from you, you’d better collect essential evidence that proves they are swiping your belongings or even better, catch them in the act before confronting them in person.

Have no ideas about where to start?

The following 14 useful solutions may give you hints.

What to Do If You Suspect Your Neighbor Is Stealing from You: Top 7 Ways to Take

How to tell your neighbor is stealing your mails, newspapers & packages? And what can you do when your neighbors steal from you?

Here are some useful solutions adopted by many homeowners, which are worth a try:

Solution 1. Install Security Cameras to Catch Neighbors Stealing from You in the Act

To prove that neighbors are stealing your newspapers or packages, your security camera footage can be the hard evidence.

With smart motion detection and intelligent alerts, the motion sensor security cameras will notify you at the instant when the suspected neighbors are stealing from you so that you can catch them in the act.

The video footage below is the best example:

A porch pirate got caught on Reolink RLC-410 when she stole packages from a next-door neighbor and the thief was identified soon with the entire snatch uploaded to the social network. Read more at: 14 Useful Ways to Stop Your Neighbors Stealing from You

Related Article: Weather Changes and Your Home Security

Learn more on how you can effectively improve the security in your home by visiting For professional assistance, call (262) 806-0001

Are Burglar Bars Legal?

Home security is important for any home, and between wireless security cameras and window alarms, it’s easy to set up a DIY system that works for you. If you’re particularly worried about the lower levels on your home, window security bars and or burglar bars are one popular way to stop someone from breaking in. But are burglar bars legal? Let’s take a look at how burglar bars are used and what to know about potential restrictions.

Exterior Window Security Bars

Burglar bars are relatively thin metal beams that fit either vertically or horizontally over your window to prevent someone from getting in. The bars are too close together to squeeze through and they’re affixed to your home so strongly that a would-be intruder would need major tools to remove them. Bars are often painted the same color as the exterior of the homes so they blend in. Burglar bars are sometimes called window security bars, so if you’re looking into local laws you should also search under that term. 

Window security bars, exterior or not, can be a great deterrent against burglars. According to a study by the National Institute of Justice, homes without exterior window security bars are almost three times as likely to be broken into than those with bars. And while you might think that exterior window security bars would make your home look like a prison, that doesn’t have to be the case. There are exterior window security bars available that are attractive and fit in with the style of your home.

Risks and Benefits of Burglar Bars

The obvious benefit of a burglar bar is that your home won’t be an easy target for someone who wants to quickly access a targeted home through the window. However, for all their home security benefits, protection bars for windows also mean it’s harder for you to get out of your home from the inside. In cases of emergency where you can’t exit via the door, you may not be able to escape through a window if there are burglar bars installed. The U.S. Fire Administration warns against the risk of death due to burglar bars that don’t have a mechanism for opening from the inside. The fire hazards related to burglar bars have brought about new legal implications for using this security measure on your home. 

Understanding Burglar Bar Law

Because people have been trapped inside apartments and houses during a fire due to burglar bars, some states are beginning to regulate the types of bars that are used. In Mississippi, California, and Texas, there are specific laws about what warnings must be placed on burglar bars and where they can be installed. In California, for instance, burglar bars can’t be used on a building that is owned or leased by a public agency. The state also updated the California Building Standards Code in 2008 to mandate that security release mechanisms be used on all security bars. In Texas, all burglary bars must also have a mechanism for interior release. 

In short, burglar bars are not illegal, but your state may have specific rules about the type you can use. You should also document the types of bars you install. In California, all real estate contracts must disclose any release mechanisms on window burglar bars.

Burglar Bars for Renters

Putting bars on windows is ultimately the responsibility of the entity that owns a building. It may be illegal for you to put bars on the windows of your rental property, depending on the terms of your lease. Many rental contracts prohibit structural changes or major renovations, so you should always check with your landlord if you’re considering adding burglary bars to your home. 

If you’re looking for a way to improve the security on your home, doorbell cameras, alarms, and floodlights are some good home security solutions to start with. 

When it comes to home security, door security bars are an important addition. They provide an extra layer of protection against break-ins and can be a deterrent for potential burglars. There are a variety of door security bars available on the market, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. If you still have questions about self-protection products, contact The Home Security Superstore today to learn more about our array of products and systems. 

Article Source: Are Burglar Bars Legal?

Related Article: Why Install Access Control

If you need professional help in installing high security locks in your business or home, call (262) 806-0001. To learn more, visit www.

How to Make Your Front Door More Secure

These simple DIY projects can upgrade the security of your home’s main entry point.

By Becca Lewis 5/03/22 10:30AM

Photo: Karen Grigoryan (Shutterstock)

Upgrading your home’s security doesn’t have to involve major renovations—to start with, it can be as simple as evaluating your front door and making some small—but key—changes. There are several things you can do to make your home’s main entry point more secure.

Before you do anything else, assess your starting point. If your door is solid-core (more on that below), with windows that are far from your latches, you have a good start. Assess your lock and latches to make sure they’re working the way they should and not sticking or catching. If you already have a deadbolt, make sure that it slides closed securely. If your door is in good shape and functioning correctly, you’re most of the way there. If not, you may want to start by replacing locks or other basic parts.

Install a solid-core door

If you don’t have a solid-core door—meaning, a door that is filled with high-density engineered or composite wood, as opposed to being hollow—it’s worth investing in one. These are resistant to being bent or kicked in, making them more secure. To replace your door, you’ll need to measure its dimensions and make note of which direction it opens. Doors generally come in standard sizes, so once you have your measurements and the direction the door opens, it shouldn’t be difficult to find a replacement at a hardware store.

To make the swap, just unscrew the hinges from the door casing (bottom first, then top). Your new door likely came with hinges, but if not, you can use the ones from your old door if they’re in good shape. Screw the hinges into the door first; then, beginning with the top hinge, screw the other side of the hinge into the door casing. While you do this, you can use a shim or a piece of cardboard to keep the door at the right height to line up with the sill.

Add a good-quality deadbolt

To add a deadbolt, or replace one, the best choice is a grade 1 or 2 deadbolt. These ratings, made by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), are made by putting the deadbolts through various tests and giving them ratings based on the number of strikes they can withstand. ANSI grade 1 locks are the best you can buy, while grade 2 is generally considered acceptable for residential purposes.

Most doors come with cutouts that will accommodate a deadbolt, but if yours doesn’t, you’ll need a hole saw bit, a paddle bit large enough to accommodate your deadbolt, a drill, a tape measure, a square, and a knife or awl to mark the center of your holes. Your deadbolt kit will come with a template, so you’ll also need some masking tape for this part. Follow the directions on your deadbolt to install it, measuring to line it up with your template. It helps to drill the hole for the lock cylinder first, then drill your hole in the side of the door. That way, it’s easy to see how deep to make the deadbolt hole because it will intersect with the one you already drilled for the lock cylinder.

To make it simpler to get all the right sizes, you can opt for an install kit that comes with everything you’ll need to install a lock, as well as some instructions about placement and measuring.

More improvements you can make

If you want to go even further and more secure, you can add a chain to make it possible to open the door part way without allowing it to open fully, or you can use a doorbell camera to add a layer of security when answering the door. You can also consider upgrading to a keypad deadbolt that allows you to change the code periodically for added security.

Other things to make your front door safer are things like adding motion-sensor lighting; keeping hedges trimmed; or adding a smart lock, which will connect to your wireless devices, remote lock and unlock, and auto-lock behind you.

Article Source: How to Make Your Front Door More Secure

Related Article: Panic Bars – Importance in Commercial Properties

If you want to learn more on how to enhance your home’s security in Racine, visit

What To Do, Jammed Safe

Racine Business Keys

If you have a jammed safe, this can be very frustrating. Of course, you need to be able to access the contents of your safe. What can you do if yours is jammed? Do you have to break it open? The short answer is no, there are solutions!

Keep reading to find out what to do – jammed safe!

First, we are going to go over some reasons for why a safe might not open or might appear to be jammed.

Dead Batteries

If dead batteries are the reason that your safe is jammed, then the way to solve it is going to be very easy. It is important to choose batteries that are brand name. These tend to last longer than off brand batteries. Even if your keypad lights up and beeps as usual, there might still be an issue with the batteries. It might be that here is not enough power to cause the bolt work to retract as needed.

This is just one possible reason for a jammed safe.

Jammed Bolt Work

Another issue that you might be experiencing is jammed bolt work. What might cause a bolt to become jammed? There are different issues that can occur, but when you notice that you can hear the motor working in an effort to retract the bolt work, albeit you notice that the safe is not opening, the issue just may be jammed bolt work.

You can try to pull the handle in the opposite direction while entering the code to get into the safe. This is an attempt to get rid of some of the pressure that is being put on the bolt.

Code Has Been Deactivated

It might appear that the safe is jammed if the code is not activated. Do different persons have access to this safe? Does someone use a different code? Have them try their code – if it works, but yours does not, then you can assume your code was deactivated.

The Safe Might Be in Lockout Mode

Another issue that can make it appear as though the safe is jammed is the safe being in lockout mode. This of course can occur when the incorrect code is entered too many times. In this case, you just need to wait for a few minutes before trying to open the safe again.

Damaged Wiring

If the safe’s wiring has become damaged or otherwise is not connected any more, then this can cause a safe to become jammed. What can you do? We recommend taking off the keypad so you can see the wires. Notice anything that appears off, such as cuts or shreds in the wiring. If everything appears to be fine, disconnecting the wiring and taking out the batteries can be an option. Then, put the batteries back in and ensure the wiring is reconnected.

We recommend contacting a locksmith for a jammed safe if these steps do not work.

Thank you for visiting us and reading about what to do with a jammed safe!

Racine Locksmith
24 Hour Mobile Locksmiths
Monday through Sunday, all day
Dispatch Address: 424 Lake Ave , Racine, WI 53403 [map]
Phone: (262) 806-0001

Benefits of having a home safe

Believe it or not, you don’t have to be wealthy to have a home safe. You may be conditioned to think so; Hollywood does its best to portray home safes as essential property for rich folks. You see movie after movie of bankers, jewelers or government agents having a safe inside their posh residences. You just know that these safes contain cash, rare jewels and weapons. While this may be true for many, it is not the norm!

Do you have questions?

Sure you do! Even someone buying a toaster will have some questions! At our locksmith shop we are often asked questions like;

  1. Will having a home safe make me more susceptible for robbery?
  2. Is a home safe expensive or difficult to maintain?
  3. What happens if I forget my combination or key code?
  4. Are there maintenance fees and problems?
  5. What if I need to access my safe in a hurry?

There are many more questions that come up and all are valid. There is no “one-sized fits all” answer as each person considering a home safe has their own particular needs and wants. Generally put however, having a home safe does not increase your risk of home burglary. Of course, you should be discreet and not “broadcast” all over your neighborhood that you have cash and other valuables sitting vulnerably in your living room! Your locksmith professional will be able to help you access your safe in the event of a forgotten combination or key code. Most safes are well built and very easy to maintain if treated right.

The sky’s the limit!

People want to know what can be secured inside a home safe. That’s up to you! Like our paragraph says, “the sky’s the limit” and it’s true. Anything of value to you can be stored in your safe. Most folks put cash and other valuable items inside. You can add valued photos, flash drives, important documents, coins, jewelry and even old letters that are important to you. Let’s start with the elephant in the room; cash!

Money in your safe

Yes, you can put cash money in your safe. You know that rainy day that people often speak of? Save for it by putting spare cash or even lots of cash inside your safe. Won’t it earn more by being in a bank? Not really – have you seen interest rates lately? Some call it “mattress money” and others call it private vaulting but it’s all the same thing; money stashed away inside a home safe. Who knows? You may have a sudden need for it. An unexpected bill may come up; maybe a medical emergency or a sudden trip to the vet for your dog. Many a real estate investor keeps extra cash on hand for those “must have” deals that come along every now and then. Other businesses opportunities can also be taken advantage of when extra money is handily present. You can donate to charity or use the money to buy at a garage sale. Sudden car expenses can arise and it always helps to be able to pay cold hard cash for your purchases.

Other items

You aren’t limited to actual money for your home safe. You can include IOU’s, credit cards, gift cards, coins, foreign currency, theater tickets, gold and silver bars and other items of monetary value.

Documents for your home safe

Many think that file cabinets are for documents and, in fact, they are! File cabinets are perfect for those files that you need to save and categorize in certain order. You also have a lock on your file cabinet or desk drawer, don’t you? Here’s a little secret; those locks are not very secure! Truth be told, file cabinet and desk locks use the cam variety of hardware and they offer minimal protection against break-ins and theft. If you want real security for your important papers, store them in your home safe! Items that can be added include appraisals, insurance papers, birth and death certificates, credit checks, warranties, stock certificates, tax returns, passports, real estate deeds, car titles, and more.

Read more at: Benefits of having a home safe

Here’s what to do when you’re having ignition cylinder problems

Nobody wants their car to break down on them during the day – or worse, in the later hours of the evening. We understand how frustrating ignition cylinder problems can get. You might simply need to get a key extracted, but your troubles could also be a reflection of more complicated issues. 
That’s why our lock and key experts are taking the time to explain what to do in such an unfortunate situation. Here are a few quick tips that will help you deal with faulty ignition cylinders in the best possible manner. 
Understanding the common signs
You need to diagnose your issues before deciding on your course of action. Of course, some ignition cylinder problems are not as clear-cut as they seem – but here are some common signs to keep an eye on: 
Keys getting stuck into the ignition A very common occurrence, and often the sign of wearing and age. This is something that can’t be avoided: over time, your ignition’s inner components are going to become worn out from the continuous amount of stress it endures on a regular basis. Heavy keyrings can speed up the process, by the way, so avoid these as much as possible. Eventually, the ignition will lose its malleability, ultimately catching and binding the key in the process. If not replaced accordingly, this ignition fault could lead to low electrical contact – and at some point you’ll be unable to operate your vehicle. 
Before you call a locksmith in Racine, however, make sure that your key isn’t lodged inside because the steering wheel is in lock position. Move the wheel from side to side to see if that releases the key from the cylinder. It’s also good to check for signs of rust and damage in the ignition itself. If all else fails, get in touch with an auto lock and key expert. 
A failing engine
If your engine fails as you’re driving, it could indicate that your ignition switch is faulty. As we previously alluded, corrosion can cause low contact in the ignition – and subsequently a loss of voltage. There is no DIY fix for this, so get in touch with a locksmith right away. 
Problems powering on the vehicle 
While ignition wear and tear tends to be the most common cause for this, you shouldn’t rule out other glitches. If your vehicle has a transponder system, for example, it could well be that your key needs to be re-programmed. But then again, a worn out ignition cylinder can mean that the key will only respond to certain positions, or will simply not power up the car altogether. Because this is quite a tricky distinction to make, you’re probably best at leaving the diagnosis to a qualified professional. 
You can’t get the car to start at all 
Again, this could be a sign of various issues – flat batteries, faulty sensors, and malfunctioning ignition switches to name a few. Tell an automotive locksmith your suspicions and ask for an inspection. This will be the only way to truly identify which component is rendering your vehicle inoperable. 
The car powers on, the engine cranks – but you can’t move 
This tends to be more common in a malfunctioning theft protection device, but there are instances where it could be indicative of a faulty ignition. Check if your anti-theft lights are flashing – if that proves to be the case, you’ll need to get your key reprogrammed to transmit the right signals. Otherwise, you’ll need to ask a locksmith to check your ignition cylinder and your fuel facing system, as the latter can lead to similar car operating issues. 
Did you notice a trend in our suggestions? Then let’s focus on how to hire the best locksmith to address your ignition cylinder problems. 
Hiring a reliable automotive lock and key expert
You should be able to trust that an auto locksmith in your area will bring you great value for money. Reputable companies will have all the right equipment, training and tools to provide you with cost-efficient security solutions. Their help seldom costs several thousands of dollars, many businesses won’t charge you for initial price quotes, and local operators are often around 24/7 in case of emergencies
Just remember that not all locksmiths are created equal. Some might exclusively focus on automotive services, others might specialize in residential or commercial solutions, and many opt to provide a fully-inclusive set of options. If in doubt, ask the locksmith what services they offer to their customers. 
Recommendations will help you find a credible business in your location. However, if you can’t get names from people you know and trust, online reviews from sites like Angie’s List can help too. Also, good professionals will not balk at the idea of providing you with a list of client references in the area – nor will they get defensive about disclosing crucial information like license and insurance details. If you have the time to spare, checking whether the company has had any complaints filed against them through the Better Business Bureau can help too. 
We can’t emphasize the importance of hiring local enough. Not only will locksmiths from elsewhere charge you extra for mileage, but ensuring that the business you’re talking with has a verifiable reputation will help you in the long run. Be wary of businesses with sketchy addresses or contact details, and never pay full price upfront. Make sure to consult with the locksmith business before hiring them and get a full cost breakdown of the services you are looking for.   
If you’re based in Racine, WI, consider getting in touch with our licensed and insured professionals. Racine Locksmith is a locally-based operation who covers all aspects of automotive security. We’re able to help with your ignition cylinder issues, as well as providing round-the-clock assistance for emergency matters. Get in touch with our crew, schedule a free consultation, and we’ll go from there. 
It doesn’t matter where you’re based – without proper planning, ignition cylinder troubles are likely to cause a lot of stress. So, make sure to follow our tips and get in touch with a reliable automotive locksmith professional in your area as soon as you experience any kind of issues. 

Article Source: Here’s what to do when you’re having ignition cylinder problems

Keyless Entry System Benefits

Racine-Access Control

Who can benefit from a keyless entry system? Is it more for a business than for a residential customer? Is it for individuals or organizations? Does a keyless lock mean the ability to avoid lockouts in the future? These are some of the questions that we are going to answer in this article. We are going to go over keyless entry system benefits. We are a mobile locksmith team that is capable of providing services such as keyless entry system installation.

Many choose to go keyless. But why? Keyless locks can offer enhanced security but also convenience and accessibility.

Financial Savings

One of the benefits to keyless locks is that they can ultimately offer cost-savings. How? The answer is quite simple. Let’s say you rent out one of the rooms in your home to help pay the mortgage. When a tenant moves out, you want to make sure that this individual no longer can get into the home. You also want to make sure that anyone they shared a copy of their key with is not able to access your home. Before keyless locks, you would have to rekey or replace your locks. Of course, over time, this could add up in terms of cost. But with a keyless entry system, you don’t have to worry about rekeying or changing locks. Instead, when a tenant leaves, the code can simply be changed, or if they had their own specific code, it can be deactivated. Keyless locks could offer eventual big savings to a business that has high turnover or that otherwise frequently needs to copy keys or even replace locks.

Eliminate the Need for a Key

A keyless lock means a property owner or renter no longer needs to worry about a physical key. If you have ever gotten to your vehicle and realized you are unable to find your key, then you know how stressful it can be to misplace your key. Maybe you feel as though you have one too many keys to carry around, or the extra weight of keys on your keyring is starting to cause wear to your ignition cylinder. Are you tired of having to make a copy of your key every time you have company come to visit you? Regardless of your reason, if you do not want to carry around a traditional key anymore, you do not have to when you go keyless.

Track Property Access

Are you interested in tracking or monitoring access to your property? Whether you are a commercial or residential client, tracking property access might be beneficial to you. Maybe you work late and want to just make sure your kids have arrived home from school at an appropriate time. Keyless locks can offer this benefit, enabling you to keep tabs on your kids and make sure they are safe. Or maybe, on the other hand, you are a commercial client that wants to make sure your employees are arriving to work when they are supposed to. You also never know when you might need evidence of when a specific person was in a certain spot. Tracking property access can be very beneficial for a person who might want to switch to keyless locks.

Enhanced Security

Another benefit of keyless locks is that they can add more security to a property. From the ability to deactivate an access code as needed to the option to have an alarm system installed, there are benefits to keyless entry systems in terms of enhanced security. Maybe you opt to connect your locks to your smartphone so you can get an alert when someone enters your property or attempts to access it. Or perhaps you decide touchscreen deadbolts are for you. There are so many features available when it comes to keyless entry systems, and they can help to enhance the security of your property.

Keyless Locks Can Allow for Access Control or Access Restriction

With keyless locks, you can enjoy access control in the sense that you do not have to share your entry code with anyone that should not have it. Whether you use a keypad or pin pad, or even a key fob, you can choose not to share your form of entry with anyone you do not trust. And if you do use a key fob as a business owner, but you want to take away access, you can feel safe knowing you can assign or even deactivate access, which is also helpful if a key card is ever stolen or goes missing.

Another benefit to keyless locks is that you can take advantage of wireless protocols, for instance, WiFi, to manage locks remotely. The keyless lock could be paired with a smartphone, for example, which would enable a property owner to react fast to a potential break-in.

From connecting your keyless locks to an alarm or smartphone, to linking up with a camera, there are many benefits to going keyless.

Who can benefit from a keyless entry system? Is it more for a business than for a residential customer? Is it for individuals or organizations, or even both? Does a keyless lock mean the ability to avoid lockouts in the future or to access the locks remotely? These are some of the questions that we hope we have answered for you in this article. We have taken the time to go over keyless entry system benefits. Remember, a mobile locksmith team will be capable of providing services such as keyless entry system installation and even smart locks. It is certainly worth calling on a locksmith if this is a service that you need.

To summarize, many choose to go keyless. The reason is simple! Keyless locks can offer enhanced security but also convenience and accessibility. They can offer benefits such as cost-savings over time, and even remote access to your locks. Access control is another perk that can be associated with keyless entry. Thanks for learning more about the benefits of keyless entry systems!